2018 Goals


I have always been a big goal setter and enjoyed putting down on paper things I desired, aspired to be, or successes to experience. Throughout my childhood, there were moments where I made up my mind on a goal and went to go achieve it. In 7th grade I was determined to be selected as peer mediator (a small group of student facilitators meant to help peers discuss their problems versus going straight to administration for discipline discussion) or the time my last year in middle school I told my best friend and his dad I would make the varsity soccer team when he didn’t think he would (He was much better than me). Those are small examples of me setting my mind to something, deciding I wanted it and working towards it. I practiced interviewing for the peer mediator position with my dad who helped me define confidentiality which was a crucial piece of the interview and role. In 10th grade, I made a long list of my goals and desires from fun goals like eat a fresh Amazonian Pineapple (great story for another time) to financial goals such as be earning $1 million by the age of 30 to life goals like have kids. I have found goal setting to be a fun and motivating exercise for myself.

In my college fraternity, we had a portion of the new member education process where each brother would sign up to spend an hour with the new members for a get to know me activity and mine was always goal setting. I’ve found it impactful in my life and fun to go back and look at how you are tracking towards those goals. With that said I’ve taken a slightly different approach to my 2018 goals. Rather than a list of tactical or habitual changes I am focusing on the overarching outcomes and allowing myself flexibility in tactical details.


My two goals for 2018 are to start a business and acquire 4 more income producing properties (1 a quarter). These are my big targets. With them, I have a list of habits and other activities I am working on as tactics needed to achieve the first two. For example, I am focused on creating a morning routine that will allow me to prioritize my most important activities. Those include exercising, meditating, and journaling as examples of important habits I am focused on developing. Each of these allows me the time to ensure I am healthy and able to enjoy life as I work towards my 2 primary goals.

These two goals are important to my long-term desire for lifestyle design where I have the means and flexibility to live the life I desire in the future. When I have a family and kids it is important I can prioritize time with them and by focusing on building income producing properties and a business now I will allow myself the freedom in the future. I am fine with putting in the hard work now to enjoy the time with my family. As I set out my goals for this year I realized that we are always working towards something. Every action or decision leads us towards a version of ourselves. If it is to go for a run or to the gym versus sit on the sofa and watch Netflix. Each is a decision that you are consciously or subconsciously making about your priorities. I am choosing to forgo short-term low leverage activities like Netflix for high leverage activities like writing this post. Ultimately I believe my decisions will pay off and as time goes on I will continue to update you.

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