February Goals Progress Report


February Goals Progress Report

As I mentioned in my January Goals Progress Report, I am going to publish a monthly review on how I am tracking towards my goals. For my February Goals Progress Report, I had a series of success and some other areas I fell short. I learned about what works well for me, what doesn’t, and my adjustments for March. 

Quickly before jumping into my February goals progress report here is a recap of my 2019 goals.

2019 Goals

I laid out a few key goals that I am focusing on for 2019 which are listed below. 

  • Acquire 4 more rental units located in Alabama or Florida
  • Read 36 books this year
  • Limit my alcohol consumption to an average of 1 day of drinking per week
  • Generate through a side business $128k/month before year end
Financial Glass - Goal Progress Planning

February goals progress report tracker

As a way to keep track of my goals, I have created a Google Sheet calendar where daily I update my notable activities. Through this document, I track what I am doing and my accomplishments. Through this data gathering exercise, I can start to see trends and which goals I am not making progress based on my activities.

As of February I have officially: 

  • Analyzed 8 properties this month, but have not made any official offers
  • Read 3 books bringing my total to 5 year-to-date
  • Drank 2 days over the course of 4 weeks. Bringing my year-to-date average of 1.25 drinking days per week
  • Soft-launched the Runners Fuel website and finalized V1 of the product. Focus in March is to start marketing and to get my first sale. Financial Glass & Runners Fuel combined are currently generating $0.05/month.

February goals progress report SMART breakdown

If you are not familiar with SMART goals, they are a way to create goals that can actually be measured and achieved. Saying ‘I want to be healthier in 2019’ is not as powerful as saying I want to go to the gym 3 times a week. I added one tweak to the SMART goal to add how I will celebrate the goal upon completion. Often, I am guilty of setting forth a new goal immediately continuously raising the bar without properly enjoying the initial achievement. This constant push for more can negatively affect you if you do not take the proper time to celebrate.

Real estate investing

Specific: Purchase 4 more rental units in Alabama or Florida

Measurable: Measure incremental success through analyzing 1 deal per day and making 1 offer per week

Achievable: I currently own a duplex and have the infrastructure in place for FL and Alabama to own and manage the properties

Relevant: Financial freedom / financial independence align with my 3-year, 5-year, & 10-year goals. Owning cash flowing rental property is one strategy for achieving that success.

Time-Bound: Have acquired the units (ideally) before my birthday May 29th.

Celebration: Going out to a very nice dinner with Karolina

Health-related goal

Specific: Cut Booze consumption to an average of 1 drinking day per week

Measurable: I have a tracker within my 2019 Accountability Spreadsheet

Relevant: This goal rolls into my desire to lead a healthy life that will allow me to live a long and prosperous life. Controlling booze consumption can be a key component.

Time-Bound: My average needs to hit that mark for all of 2019 and I track on a daily & weekly basis.

Celebration: Getting a 90-minute message


Specific: Read 36 books this year

Measurable: Read every day for 30 minutes on average equating to about 3 books per month. I track my completed books through book reviews on the Financial Glass and GoodReads

Achievable: Last year I read between 28-30 books

Relevant: Part of my long-term vision is to be a lifelong learner and get better every day. Reading a large number of books is a tactic other successful people have had and will expose me to new ideas, ways of thinking, and stories.

Time-Bound: This goal is specific to 2019

Celebration: Posting an obnoxious social media post with the links to all my book reviews and key takeaways from each one 🙂

Financial independence & creativity

Specific: Have a business by year-end that generates $128k in gross revenue/month

Measurable: Monthly income increases from launch date

Achievable: Yes, with focus and iterating on both an online business and Isagenix business

Relevant: This goal tracks to my 2021 & 2023 Financial targets as well as financial freedom / financial independence

Time-bound: This is measured on a month over month basis and is tied to December 2019

Celebration: Pop 1992 Bottle of Dom Perignon with friends and family. Write a $10,000 donation check.

February goals progress report audit

The first weekend of the month, I sat down with my friend Adi to reflect on our monthly goals progress discussing what worked, where did we struggle, how can we support each other, and what is our focus for March. Below are my takeaways for each area we discussed.

Real estate

Analyzing real estate deals on a daily basis isn’t working. What is more realistic is setting aside a day or two days to analyze deals. Moving forward, I’ll sit down and analyze a series of deals in one sitting.

By the end of March, I’ll have submitted 5 official offers.

Financial independence and creativity

Runners Fuel

The main goal is to sell my first product before the end of March. I believe I will acquire that customer by running a Facebook ad campaign. I’d also like to enhance & add additional products – perhaps incorporating development sprints. Product enhancements include:

  • Link to YouTube Videos within the product page
  • Creating a scale within the product to define the key terms. Light – be able to have a conversation, Medium – struggle to hold a conversation, & Hard – not be able to have a conversation.
  • Explore customization. For example, being able to have people customize the training program for start date or length of time they have to train
  • Incorporate social posting/sharing queues. In the product having prompts for accountability purposes and encouraging people to share their journeys.

Financial Glass

The main objective is to figure out the goal for this site. To accomplish this I need to come up with one central theme to anchor the site’s content. Otherwise, it is a series of random posts that do not tell a story. Other areas I will explore include:

  • Organizing the content better, starting to test promoting the content
  • Explore YouTube Vlogs as another outlet
  • Delivery mechanism – how best to distribute content

Concluding February Goals Progress Report

Finally, I learned a lot during the month of February and have gotten clarity on what I’d like to accomplish in March. I have a path forward for my 4 major goals and have a tracking system that is helping me stay organized. We will see what progress is made in March and I’ll continue to share what is working well as I focus on creating my ideal lifestyle.

Previous Goals Progress Reports

January Goals Progress Report

Lifestyle Design

New Year Resolution Revisited

2018 Goals