Podcast Episode 1 – Cory Johnston – Brighteous Media


It is official! We just finished recording the first episode of the podcast! To kick it off, I am honored to have my good friend Cory Johnston, Founder of Brighteous Media!

While the podcast launch date has not officially been set yet, I am super excited for everyone to listen. Below you’ll get an exclusive sneak peek at the first episode of the Financial Glass podcast featuring Cory Johnston.

Podcast episode 1 - Cory Johnston, Brighteous Media

Brighteous Media Founder, Cory Johnston

Cory is the Founder & Creative Director (a.k.a. boss man) of Brighteous Media a video marketing company that is growing exponentially. Cory and I go way back. He and I grew up playing competitive soccer and then went to high school together. Cory’s drive, kindness, and good-hearted nature have always impressed me.

Firstly, we discuss his time in corporate America working as an engineer in the automotive industry. While at Honda Cory was tasked with automating people’s jobs, which just didn’t quite sit right with him. From there we talk about what led Cory to want to start his full-service video marketing agency, Brighteous Media.

Of course, we dive into his relationship with money. Like many millennials, Cory was raised very anti-credit. He didn’t yet understand the power and importance of credit. You’ll learn about his transformation and what his relationship with money is now. From there we talk about how his good money habits enabled him to take the entrepreneurial leap.

Finally, we wrap up with Cory’s advice to anyone looking to start their own business.

This was a remarkable conversation that I know you all are going to love. Cory is an amazing person who is looking to build an incredible life. You’ll relate to his dilemma and learn how he makes his business work for him. Audio and video sneak peek to come to you shortly. Now it is time for me to get to editing!  

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Additionally, Cory is looking for folks that are interested in video, photography, and blogging. He is growing his team and of course, if you have any video marketing needs reach out to Cory and the Brighteous Media team – Info@brighteousmedia.com.