Summer Recharge

Summer Recharge - Woman in Hat by the Ocean

I had a fantastic summer recharge that has led to some meaningful revelations. As you may know, I left the 9-5 working world in mid-April and have been pursuing personally meaningful endeavors. 

Kicking Off the Summer

Early on I took some time away to reset and recharge for a couple of weeks in May. From there I got to work networking, speaking to investors and iterating on the financial platform we are building. The team that we put together moved quickly in a few different directions. Yet it always felt like we were missing something or there were too many barriers to truly test our idea.

At the same time, it was easy to find something to do that would keep me busy. Overtime the prevailing 6 weeks I was unclear on what activities would move the needle.

Summer Recharge Begins

Fast forward to a long-anticipated trip with family overseas, I began to understand what was truly important to me. Spending time with the people that I love. Quickly I recognized that my big aspirations and dreams won’t mean anything if I don’t spend time with the people that I love. 

On that summer trip I was able to recharge and reignite my “why” behind leaving a cozy 6 figure paycheck. To me, my biggest asset is my time and energy. With whom I spend that precious resource is up to me. 

That led to me re-adjusting my summer plans to spend a large chunk of time with family and friends. The past month has led me to reconnect with old friends, renew my creativity through acting, writing, and creating, and take calculated business risks

As a result, I have started down the path of producing and creating through a number of business endeavors. I am extremely optimistic about the prospects of those ventures.

Refreshed and Optimistic

Ultimately this summer, I have taken into account how recharged and refreshed I am. My head is in the right place and I have rediscovered my “why” behind why I wake up every morning. 

Thus, I am grateful and thankful for the incredible people in my life. I have a loving and caring family. I have the best friends anyone could hope for. As well, I am truly blessed to have the opportunities afforded to me. While the summer comes to an end, I am recharged and more excited than ever for what lies ahead.