New Year’s Resolution Revisited


I’ve always been big into writing down New Year’s Resolutions and reflecting on the previous year. New Year’s Eve was one of the most important holidays growing up because it represents a new beginning. It is an opportunity to reflect on the previous year and look forward to what you wish to accomplish next year. Since I was a kid I would write down my dreams, goals, and desires. When the clock struck midnight we would burn the previous year’s list. Thus reflecting on what I accomplished and what I failed to accomplish before the end of the year. It was a reflective exercise and also a cleansing exercise.

2018 New Year’s Resolution

Coming into to 2018 I wrote down 4 things I wanted to accomplish this year in 2018. They are, in no particular order:

  • Start a Company
  • Invest in a Bigger Investment Property
  • Find a Mentor
  • Run a Marathon

Now I like 90%+ of people wrote those things down… and then forgot about them. I didn’t look back at what my goals were until August of this year. As you can probably guess I had made almost no progress on these goals.

New Year’s Resolution Progress

Earlier in the year I created an LLC built. Then built out an e-commerce site and then after 2 months shut it down. Unfortunately, I hadn’t done the due diligence on sourcing quality products.

Technically I had accomplished 1 of my goals… but objectively none. Luckily I still have time and have been working on making progress on the goals I have set forth. Since then I’ve signed up for the Philadelphia Marathon on November 18th. I have not done the required training. But I do have the advantage of having run consistently throughout the year.

I am looking at rental properties once again, but I also recognize I am not going to just buy any deal (nor can I afford to). Working towards that goal is key in my long term 5-10 year goals and desire to build a large real estate portfolio. This is centered around the idea that I am investing in the infrastructure of both my life and the communities my properties are located.

Apartment for rent

When it comes to starting my own company I have learned a great deal and still, have an active LLC running despite not having an actual business associated. My goal is to focus on the real estate aspect and eventually build my expertise where I can create a business that other investors will want to be involved. (This is a subtle plug for anyone looking to get involved in real estate but doesn’t have either the time, the money, or the expertise)

Finding a mentor

Lastly, I am expanding my idea of what my last new year’s resolution for 2018 is. I read a decent amount (if you follow this blog – you know I write about the books I have read). I see the authors of these books as mentors. Additionally, I am actively reaching out to individuals in my network for specific challenges or questions I have in my career. I hope to add value to their lives as well and do not see this as an exercise of me solely pulling value from them.

With 7 weeks left in 2018, I challenge you to dig up your New Year’s Resolutions and make progress on at least one of your goals. Why not get a head start on the new and improved 2019 version of you?

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